- Rit All-Purpose Dye
- Rit Color Remover
- Measuring Cup
- Large Metal Spoon
- Plastic Container or Stainless Steel Sink
- Paper Towels
- Plastic Table Cover
- Rubber Gloves
- Salt
- Dishwashing Liquid
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- Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills.
- Wear rubber gloves to protect hands from getting stained and to insulate them when working with hot water.
- The dress was pre-dyed using our All-Purpose dye.
- To start the process of removing the existing color, pre-wash the fabric in warm, soapy water.
- Fill a stainless steel pot with enough water for the fabric to move freely. Cover pot and heat water on stove top to just below boiling (or 180 F°).
- When water begins to simmer, add Color Remover and mix well.
- Keep temperature at a low simmer.
- Add the pre-washed item to the bath.
- Stir occasionally. Some fabrics will lose their color in as fast as 10 minutes, others can take up to 20 minutes. Once your garment turns white or off-white, you can remove it from the bath.
- Rinse in warm water and then gradually cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.
- Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.
- Item is now ready to be dyed.
- Use the following steps to dye the dress a new color.

Sunshine Orange


Kelly Green

Original White Color
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