Mystery Gang Group Halloween Costume

Gather the gang and grab some dyes because it’s time for our favorite season: Halloween. Take the mystery out of dyeing and follow our instructions below to get even coverage every time.

  • Rit Dye All-Purpose in Apple Green, Petal Pink, Sunshine Orange,

  • Rit DyeMore for Synthetics in Royal Purple, Racing Red and Royal Blue

  • Henley Cotton T-Shirt

  • Opaque Tights

  • Bodycon Dress, Polyester

  • Over-the-Knee Socks

  • Cotton Turtle Neck

  • Cotton Pencil Skirt

  • Polo Shirt, Polyester

  • Stainless Steel Pot

  • Measuring Cup

  • Metal Tongs

  • Gloves

  • Dishwashing Liquid

  • Plastic Table Cover

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  1. Prewash your clothing items and leave damp
  2. For cotton items, fill plastic container or stainless steel sink with enough hot water (ideally 140oF) for your garments to move freely, roughly three gallons.
    1. We used our All-Purpose Apple Green for Shaggy’s shirt, Petal Pink for Daphne’s tights, and Sunshine Orange for Velma’s turtleneck and socks.
    2. To help enhance the color, add one cup of salt.
    3. Add one tsp of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
    4. Wearing rubber gloves, shake Rit bottle really well. Pour half a bottle (1/2 cup) of All-Purpose dye into dyebath and mix well.
    5. Immerse the damp garment into the dyebath and stir continuously for 20 minutes with tongs to ensure even coverage.
    6. When desired color is achieved, remove the garment from the dyebath. Squeeze out excess dye. TIP: The longer the jeans remain the dyebath, the darker the color will be. (Remember: color will appear lighter when dry.)
    7. Once you’re done dyeing, allow your garment to sit and absorb the dye for 30 minutes.
    8. Optional: Fill clean plastic container or stainless steel sink with hot tap water and add half a bottle (1/2 cup) of well-shaken ColorStay Dye Fixative. Wearing rubber gloves, submerge your garment into the ColorStay Dye Fixative solution. nStir slowly and continuously on and off for 20 minutes.
    9. Rinse in cool water until water begins to run clear. Machine wash your garment with an old towel in warm water with mild detergent. Rinse and dry.
  3. For synthetic polyester items, fill a stainless steel pot with enough water for the fabric to move freely. We recommend using three gallons of water for every pound of fabric.
    1. Add 1 teaspoon of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
    2. Cover pot and heat water on stove top to just below boiling (or around 200ºF).
    3. When water begins to simmer, add well-shaken dye and mix well.
      1. We used Rit DyeMore for Synthetics Royal Purple for Daphne’s dress, Racing Red for Velma’s skirt and Royal Blue for Fred’s shirt.
    4. Wet the item you are going to be dyeing and add it to the dye bath.
    5. Keep temperature at a low simmer for the duration of your dyeing.
    6. Stir slowly and continuously. The first 10 minutes are the most critical. Stirring helps to ensure an even color with no splotches.
    7. Item can remain in dye bath from 10 minutes up to one hour. If dyeing polyester or a polyester cotton blend, keep the fabric in the dye bath for at least 30 minutes to ensure that the color takes fully. Nylon tends to dye very quickly and much darker than other fibers so the actual time needed in the dye bath is less.
    8. When desired color is achieved, remove from dye bath. Fabric will look darker when wet and will dry lighter. Squeeze out excess dye.
    9. If dyeing a blend containing cotton, linen, rayon or ramie, use Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative immediately after dyeing and before washing to enhance the color and reduce color bleeding.
    10. Rinse in warm water and then gradually cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.
    11. Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.

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