Marigold Onesies

  • Rit All-Purpose Liquid Dyes: Marigold
  • Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative
  • 100% Cotton White Onesie
  • Twine
  • Ruber bands
  • Dishwashing Liquid
  • Paper Towels
  • Plastic Table Cover
  • PVC Pipe (optional)
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Salt
  • Plastic container
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  1. Prewash onesie in warm, soapy water and leave damp. This helps to remove any finishes that may interfere with dye absorption.
  2. Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills. Gather supplies.
  3. We used the Arashi, Kanoko and Kumo techniques to dye the onesies:
    1. Arashi (Pole Wrapping) Shibori: For a video on how to do this technique, click hereAccordion fold or “fan fold” the length of the fabric in 3” to 4” wide folds. This will form a long rectangle. After the fabric is folded into a long rectangle, secure one end of the fabric rectangle to a PVC pipe or pole with a rubber band. Then, wrap the fabric rectangle tightly around the pipe or pole without overlapping it. Secure the other end with a rubber band. Scrunch all the fabric very tightly back up to the top of the pipe or pole.
    2. Kanoko Shibori: For a video on how to do this technique, click here.Pinch the center portion of the fabric and hold it in the air, letting the 4 corners drop. About ½” from the pinched center, wrap fabric tightly with a rubber band. Continue by wrapping twine in a crisscross pattern down the length of the fabric. Pattern will vary based on the spacing and wrapping of the twine.
    3. Kumo Shibori: Pleat fabric from top to bottom to create accordion folds. Bind tightly with rubber bands every inch to create stripes.
  4. Fill a plastic container with two gallons of hot water. The water should ideally be 140ºF. If tap water is not hot enough, heat water on the stove and add to the dyebath.
  5. To enhance the color: add one cup of salt when dyeing fabrics containing cotton, rayon, ramie or linen.
  6. Add 1 teaspoon of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
  7. Wearing rubber gloves, add 1/2 cup well-shaken Marigold dye to dyebath.
  8. Add onesie to dyebath. For a high contrast pattern, keep the onesie in the dyebath for about 3 to 5 minutes to keep the wrapped part dye-free. For more color and less white areas, leave the wrapped fabric set in the dyebath for 10 to 20 minutes. For Kumo Shiboi, simply dip just half of the bound fabric into the dyebath.
  9. When desired color is achieved, remove wrapped fabric from the dyebath. Do not remove rubber bands.
  10. We strongly recommend using Rit ColorStay Dye Fixativeimmediately after dyeing and before washing. It enhances the color, increases color retention and prevents dye from bleeding into white areas. Follow these instructions.
  11. Rinse in cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.
  12. Carefully remove rubber bands or twine. Unfold the fabric.
  13. Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.


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