- Cotton Slippers
- Rit All-Purpose Liquid Dye in desired colors
- Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative
- Large Plastic Container or Stainless Steel Sink
- Measuring Cup
- Measuring Spoons
- Salt
- Liquid Dish Detergent
- Plastic Table Cover
- Paper towel
- Rubber Gloves
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- Pre-wash item in warm, soapy water without any fabric softener. This helps to remove any finishes that may interfere with dye absorption.
- Wear rubber gloves to protect hands from getting stained and to insulate them when working with hot water.
- Fill a plastic container or stainless steel sink with enough water for the slippers to move freely. We recommend using 3 gallons / 11.5 L of water for every pound/0.5 kg of fabric. The water should ideally be 140ºF / 60ºC. If tap water is not hot enough, heat water on the stove and add to the dyebath.
- To enhance the color, add 1 cup / 240 mL of salt when dyeing fabrics containing cotton, rayon, ramie or linen.
- Add 1 teaspoon / 5 mL of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
- Pour well-shaken liquid dye into dyebath and mix well.
- Test color by dipping a paper towel into the dyebath. If color is too light, add more dye. If color is too dark, add more water.
- Wet the slippers, squeeze out any excess water and add it to the dyebath.
- Stir slowly and continuously. The first 10 minutes are the most critical. Stirring helps to ensure an even color with no splotches.
- When desired color is achieved, remove from dyebath. Slippers will look darker when wet and will dry lighter.
- To enhance the color and reduce color bleeding, use Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative immediately after dyeing and before washing.
- Rinse in cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.
- Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.
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